Self Righteous Cunt

From: Self Righteous Cunt

At first i wasn’t even going to dignify your website with a letter, but the more i looked through your website the more i realized that this was worse than pornography. You t-shirts are what’s wrong with this country. There should be laws preventing people from saying things like what your shirts say. This country was founded on God. How dare your website pretend that the founding fathers meant free speech to protect scum like yourselves? I am going to write my congressman to try to get him to make such forms of expression ilegal so we can shut filth like you down!

Our Response:

Oh boy, look what we have here! Another self-righteous cunt who thinks she’s the sherriff of the fucking internet. Go write your congressman, lady. Go ahead and do whatever it is that you have to do to make yourself feel fucking special. I know that sitting around your house and talking to your cats isn’t quite as fulfilling as you thought your life would be. I know that getting behind the “clean internet” cause makes your life feel better since you failed to find a man to marry and have kids with. Free speech belongs to everyone, not just you and people you approve of. Fuck off and shut up.


One response

  1. Michael Elgin

    This country was founded on the “right” to kill my people, and make shirts about it, Thats why I hate white people. I make an exception to you guys

    July 31, 2011 at 9:05 am

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