A Dirty Nagger

From: A Dirty Nagger

I am dropping out of your fucking mailing list today because of your shitty, racist bullshit. Everyone has seen this stupid fucking joke before, so I don’t even know why you are rehashing it. I keep waiting and waiting for you to realize that what your doing isn’t “free speech”. It’s just lame fucking jokes designed to piss people off. That’s not free speech. That’s hate. You are merchants of hate. Good job.

Our response: Oh my dear God. You are so fucking right, dude. We are merchants of hate. I have seen the error of our ways and I dedicate all of our resources from this day forward to making shirts with butterflies and kittens and shit all over them. We’ll call it, “Butterflies-and-Kittens-And-Shit.com” and we’ll sell so many fucking shirts because everyone wants a butterfly or kitten on their shirt.

Well, actually, only whiney faggots like you want butterflies and kittens. So I guess we won’t be selling shirts with sweet shit all over them after all. If more fags bought shirts, then we would gear our product towards whiney faggots. Since they don’t, we’ll just keep selling shirts to all the bad motherfuckers out there who want to say whatever the fuck they want whenever the fuck they want.

And for your fucking information: what we do IS freedom of speech. Just because you don’t like what we’re saying doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be free. Fuck you and shut the fuck up, you limp-dick nagger.


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